Saturday, 18 May 2013

Mark Knopfler - Glasgow - 2013

17th May 2013

Glasgow SECC

A pleasant enough couple of hours spent in the company of Mark and his collection of outrageously talented brothers in arms.

Not having kept up with his career since the dissolution of Dire Straits (this gig was Wife's suggestion), much of the material was unfamiliar to me.  Postcards from Paraguay was my personal highlight.   

There were but four Dire Straits songs aired: Romeo & Juliet and Going Home were both magical, but the run throughs of Telegraph Road and So Far Away were rather perfunctory - MK seemingly almost grudgingly dusting them down as crowd pleasers.


What It Is
Corned Beef City
Father and Son
Hill Farmer's Blues
Kingdom of Gold
I Dug Up a Diamond
I Used to Could
Romeo and Juliet
Gator Blood
Haul Away
Postcards from Paraguay
Speedway at Nazareth
Telegraph Road

So Far Away
Going Home


  1. I have been a fan from the very start. But Mark's solo performances in arenas and stadiums have been ill judged, he is far better in theatres. His playing and singing powers have progressively waned too. His retirement this year is wise.

  2. MK's retiral announcement appears to have passed me by. But I suppose the chap is 70 now, and I believe has had heart problems. But my cynical self tends to be a bit suspicious of Farewell Tours.
